John 2:1-11—The Wedding at Cana
Jesus’ first recorded miracle in the Gospel of John…anyone know it? It is perhaps one of Jesus’ most famous acts—turning water into wine! More than just a party trick, this text has rich and delicious meaning. The more we drink from it, the more meaning we find.
Jesus has been invited to a wedding. I love this small detail that the gospel discloses. It’s nice to know that Jesus isn’t a ‘wedding crasher.’ More than that, I find great joy in knowing that Jesus is the kind of guy that gets invited to weddings. It opens up my theological imagination to consider qualities of Jesus that the gospels aren’t explicit on. Perhaps Jesus was a good friend, or a trusted neighbor, or great at telling jokes, or an extravagant gift-giver? Whatever the case, this bridal families wanted Jesus there. He was loved. He wasn’t a drab to be around. Jesus was the kind of guy that got invited to weddings. I want to be like Jesus for lots of reasons, and this is just one more reason.
Now, to the good stuff! And the text is very clear to tell us that this new and surprise batch of wine was top-shelf, noticeably fantastic, and exquisitely timed. It increased the celebration. It brought honor to the family. It showcased the best of creation. I hope that Jesus can do with me, what Jesus can do with water.
We call this a miracle, but the gospel writer John calls it a sign. Saint Augustine, C.S. Lewis, and others have noted that turning water into wine isn’t that much of a miracle. The water of rainfall works upon the vines of a thousand hillsides all over creation. All Jesus did was speed up the process! Taking water and making wine happens every day with God’s provision and our good work. I wonder what more marvelous things can happen when my good work meets God’s gracious provisions?
There were six stone jars that Jesus had filled with water-turned-to-wine. We’ll be spending the next few weeks considering the rich gifts that Jesus offers in abundance, and we’ll be praying that God would fill our jars with Hope, Purpose, Healing, Meaning, Vision and Grace.
I do hope you’ll join us!
Rev. Kenny